quinta-feira, setembro 01, 2011

Massacre of africanos negros na Líbia pós-Kadhafi

Acho que pegaria muito mal em nossos jornais divulgar a informação abaixo. O racismo dos que lutaram contra Kadhafi é elemento pós-revolucionário presente. Embora o ex-ditador se utilizasse de mercenários dos países vizinhos ao sul, da África Negra, a mistura de rancor com oportunismo tem levado a roubos e massacres por parte dos revolucionários.

Racism is certainly playing a role, although there appear to be a few black Africans fighting with the anti-Gaddafi forces. What really is driving the violence is the participation of mercenaries from Chad and the Sudan who were used by Gaddafi as shock troops, killing civilians on sight and spreading terror wherever they went. Of course, the overwhelming majority of victims have been in Libya for years as part of the foreign work force, so in the end, it appears to be a combination of hate and opportunity for loot that is driving the violence against black Africans.

Agora imaginem se isto fosse em um país ocidental...

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