domingo, outubro 07, 2012

Трейлер "Баллада о Бомбере" / Trailer for 'The Ballad of the bombers'

(...) The movie is dedicated to the memory of the Second World War and will be broadcasted on the First National Channel (Russia) on the 9th of May 2011. The synopsis is based on the true story. The scriptwriter Arkadiy Tigray opens to the viewer an unexpected side of the German soldiers, the succession of coincidences and the tangle of human fortunes. The main hero is Andrei, the captain of bomber. Right before his 100th battle flight he meets his love – Katya, the telegraphist who’s mission is to resume the connection with the partisan underground resistance in the enemy’s home front. The two loving hearts have lost each other at the beginning of the Second World War and now reunite to face some fateful events called to make their love stronger. The role of Andrei Grivtsov is played by Nikita Efremov (“Lady Passanger”, “Sateless”, “The most Beautiful”). The role of Katya is played by Ekaterina Astahova (“Russian Chocolate”, “Institute For Noble Maidens”, “Kings Of The Game”). Also starring Nina Usatova, Vladimir Iliin, Victoria Tolstoganova, Egor Barinov, Boris Kamorzin and others. (...)
The Bomber | War Movie News
E sim! Embora este filme faça uma justa homenagem à ação do Exército Vermelho, à guerrilha russa e à obstinação de seu povo durante a II Guerra Mundial, não se trata de maneira alguma de mensagem pró-comunista. Muito pelo contrário, a cúpula militar e ideológica é tratada como realmente merece: como um bando de canalhas.
And yes! Although this film do an homage to the action of the Red Army, the guerrilla Russian and obstinacy of his people during World War II, it is not at all pro-Communist message. Quite the opposite, the ideological and military leadership is treated as truly deserves: as a bunch of scoundrels.

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